Yesterday afternoon, I let the dogs out after their ‘dinner’. Immediately, Libby had a ‘toy’ in her mouth, tossing it around without any regard to caring in the least that this ‘toy’ was a live, slightly overweight squirrel who apparently couldn’t move fast enough after hearing the warning bell system we have in place. The last time this happen, the poor squirrel died in my arms after I cried, apologized and comforted it.
This time, the squirrel only had a broken leg and was mad as all get out. I wrapped the creature in a towel and rubbed its little head, letting it know everything would be okay. Figuring out that this squirrel is not going to die any time soon, I sprang into action, calling, messaging, trying to find somewhere to take this squirrel to get a tiny cast put on it’s leg and get a little rehab. After numerous calls, I found a place that would take in my small patient, but how in the world to you transport a pissed off injured squirrel? Well, at my husband’s suggestion, I gently placed it in a copy paper box with a lid that could be placed on top, placed the patient in the passenger seat of my car with a 10 pound purse on top of the box, praying the whole way to Grapevine that 1) the squirrel wouldn’t chew through the box and attack me while enroute, and 2) it would stay alive, just long enough to get to the hospital.
The trip was uneventful, and the squirrel is now in the possession of the Southlake Emergency Animal Hospital in Grapevine. These great people take in wildlife and try to rehabilitate them then release them back in the wild. If for some reason the creature can’t be helped, they humanely put them to sleep so they don’t suffer anymore. They do this all for free, but donations are accepted and appreciated.
Yes, I know you are probably thinking ‘it’s a damn squirrel, who cares?’
Well, I do. Yes, my squirrel friends devour my bird seed in mass quantities, but they provide countless photographic opportunities that make me happy.
We all need happiness in our lives.