
Monday, July 16, 2018

Your lips are moving, you must be lying

Note:  I had originally wrote this post several years ago but never published it, but now it's time. 

You know when you just have to vent to get something off your chest and really the only person you can express your thoughts to is your husband and he is tired of hearing it?  You know the dysfunctional family crap that know one really wants to hear because they are dealing with their own dysfunctional family crap?  Well, that's where I am at.  No one to talk to because frankly no one really cares or maybe because the issue really is not a big deal at all, except to one person....ME.

This issue is about lying and pride.  When a person who you think is a trusted member of your family has lied off and on for most of your life.  These lies for the most part don't really hurt anyone, so you just brush them off and go on your merry way through life.  Why the lies, you ask?  Well, this person's PRIDE gets in the way.  Public appearance is EVERYTHING to this person, so this person makes up tiny little white lies to make it APPEAR that everything is just hunky dory in their life. But what if one deceitful lie goes a little bit too far?  What if this deceitful lie affects someone else in your life that you care for?  What if this deceitfulness is so big that if you don't say anything, consequences will be ENORMOUS? So you give this information out to the person it affects and it is up to her on how she processes this tidbit of info.  You know what happens?  The SHIT hits the fan.  Good Lord, you would have thought the end of the world just happened.

Then, what if the lying family member starts telling everyone that I just ratted him out to cause discourse among the family?  Uh, nope.  That's not what I did at all.  Nope, all I did was give a piece of information that was important enough for another family member to know about.  It was up to that family member on how she was to process the information.  This lie did not affect me at all, but it did affect one that I care for very much.  This information did not go any further than the person it affected and the spouse.  But you would have thought that I had broadcast the information for the whole world to know about it.  But guess what?  DID NOT HAPPEN.  This was a family issue, and it remained with family it affected.  NO ONE else needed to know and NO ONE else was told.

So basically, what I really want to say here (in case this person just happens to see this) is if you lie, OWN it!  Don't be the victim in YOUR lies and deceit.  You caused this....OWN IT!  Don't make me look like the bad person, when in fact it is all on YOU.

So to this person who shall remain unnamed because you know, everything must APPEAR PERFECT,  I really don't give a crap anymore.  I am TIRED of your lies.  I am TIRED of your deceit.  If you don't have the balls enough to OWN your mistake, then I am DONE.  I DO NOT CARE.  Go forth and lie and live your life a lonely old man who can not be trusted.  Because as far as I am concerned, if your lips are moving,  you must be lying.

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